Advent Week 4: The Bethlehem Way, Day 5
Are you risk averse or daring? What was the last daring thing you did for God?
by David Joynt on December 23, 2016
LUKE 2:15-20
The entry way of God into human history was also a dangerous way. An unattended stable birth was risky, partnering with an ordinary couple, counting on shepherds and foreigners, working without official Jewish approval and in the face of opposition was downright dangerous. Herod's murderous attempt to eliminate Jesus, described in Matthew, is just the most dramatic proof that the Bethlehem Way was fraught with risk and vulnerability.
Are you risk averse or daring?
What was the last daring thing you did for God?
FAMILY TIME: What “dangerous things” might we do for God? Generate a list. (Make a friend with someone who is unpopular, give away something you value to someone who needs it more, etc.)
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