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Advent Week 4: The Bethlehem Way, Day 6

What holy expectations is God fulfilling in your life? Think of several Old Testament practices or hopes that Jesus fulfills.

by David Joynt on December 24, 2016


MICAH 5:2-5

The Bethlehem moment was one of humility and danger, when God began to partner with human beings in a new way, initially obscurely and eventually publicly. But this initiative was not a spur of the moment decision or a cosmic ad lib in the face of human rebellion. It was part of a long-term strategy, a plan with roots in the ancient people of God. Micah looked for that day, when God would start a new era at Bethlehem, and a Savior would arise. Jesus' life is not just a stage in the story of God and humankind—it is the center and culmination of that story. All the previous parts  of Old Testament history, from law and promise, to prophet, priest, and King, are filled full of meaning by his life. Bethlehem  is that fulfillment.

What holy expectations is God fulfilling in your life?
Think of several Old Testament practices or hopes that Jesus fulfills.

FAMILY TIME: How does your family story fit into the big story of what God is doing in the world?

Tags: advent, bethlehem

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