All You Need is Love Daily Devotional -28
by David Joynt on May 08, 2021
MATTHEW 6:9-10 | 9 Pray then in this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
God wants us to get into heaven eventually, fully changed and fully restored, resembling the Lord we worship and obey. But He also wants heaven to get into us, right now. “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” are periphrastic phrases—they express the same thing in different ways. The kingdom does come, in us and around us, when God’s sovereignty is acknowledged and His will followed. The kingdom exists in every life where Jesus rules and that rule is visible in real submission and obedience.
Now there are large kingdom moments in our lives—great decisions, dramatic battles with evil. But most of the time the kingdom comes in small acts of faithfulness. When we resist envy, avoid boastfulness, resentment, irritability, and arrogance, and we allow patience and kindness to overcome self interest, so that we rejoice in the right things—then we are living our Lord’s great prayer.
Pray the Lord’s Prayer in light of this week’s devotional meditations.
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