All You Need is Love Daily Devotional -53
by David Joynt on June 02, 2021
JOHN 15:5 | 5 I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.
I love the word “abide.” Faith, hope, and love abide because they last, and they feature in both this life and the next. But our experience of faith, our level of hope, and the depth of our love, all depend on abiding in Christ.
Enjoying and treasuring His words and internalizing the scriptures, helps us abide in Him. So do meditation and worship, whether we seek His presence in quiet or in celebration. Obedience too, especially when we are tempted toward selfish or unloving behavior, grows our sense of His life within our hearts. Genuine friendship deepens our connection as we sense Him in others.
What virtues abide in us depends on how well we abide in Him.
Practice abiding for 10 minutes today.
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