Best Marriage Ever Devotional 16
by David Joynt on August 22, 2022
GENESIS 12:1 | 1 Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.
The dream of Abraham and Sarah for a family coincided with God’s plan for a new nation. But it also meant the loss of everything that was familiar. Part of the adventure of marriage involves embracing change.
Generally we think of change being concentrated in the beginning of life, in the seasons of youth and young adulthood. Certainly during those periods there is a lot of physical and emotional growth and often a lot of movement related to college and early employment. Finding a focus and a partner and a vocation means changing and developing in a significant way.
But the adventure of change doesn’t really lessen with age. Seniors go through more physical and health changes and challenges than any other group. In our senior season, our relationship with work shifts dramatically. We often know more relational losses, and even habits and hobbies alter with physical capacity. For couples, the adventure of changes continues in every season and is more complex because it must be negotiated together.
What changes and challenges are part of your current season?
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