Body Building Daily Devotional - 35
by David Joynt on October 16, 2021
EPHESIANS 4:6 | 6One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.
We live in a UNIverse not a MULTIverse. “Uni” means one and one of the most startling facts about the cosmos we occupy is its unity, or oneness. The same physical and chemical laws and processes work in the same ways everywhere. There are many constants in the natural world that can be described in regular formulas. When we talk of the “ecosystem” or the “balance of nature” we are referring to the way inanimate and animate forms of life are interconnected. Food chains and weather and climate systems and myriad number of sequences of cause and effect.
Christians believe these unifying and connecting elements are a natural reflection of a spiritual reality—the personal Father who is beyond the material world is also within it, creating and sustaining and restoring.
Do you believe God is always present in your life and the life of the world?
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