Broken and the Blessed, Lent Day 17
by David Joynt on March 17, 2017
DAY 17
Eugene Peterson writes about Jonah’s experience “under the unpredictable plant.” Anger is a great indicator of our spiritual state. Are we angry about the right things? Jonah is angry that God had mercy on 120,000 Ninevites, and that he was an instrument of that mercy. He gets angry that a shade-giving plant God grew for him gets killed. God asks him why he is so concerned about vegetation and not about people who are morally confused and spiritually lost. The book ends with this profound question. Do we share God’s concern for the ungodly, the “pagans,” those living lives that are antithetical to His law, His will, and His justice? God as creator and redeemer is the only rightful Judge.
How big is the circle of your concern?
How can you expand it?
Who in your life do you find it hardest to get along with?
Pray for this person every day for one week.
March 15, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 13, 2025