Broken and the Blessed, Lent Day 23
by David Joynt on March 23, 2017
DAY 23
Look at the amazing faith and character of the kidnapped girl. She thinks about the welfare of Naaman, sees his leprosy, and suggests a cure! I would have been praying his toes and fingers fell off! She looks at his need with God’s eyes and suggests he can be cured by Elisha, Israel’s great prophet. This is enemy love before Jesus ever preached it. It is a lightning bolt from the New Testament in the Old Testament. Her character was not altered by her misfortune; she remained generous and kind despite her travails. Nor did her suffering destroy her faith—she was certain God could help and heal and that He would do it for a foreign enemy.
Think of someone you know whose faith and character shone in hard times. Thank God for that woman or man.
Think of another Bible character who was great and noble under pressure.
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