Broken and the Blessed, Lent Day 37
by David Joynt on April 06, 2017
DAY 37
The cross fits and addresses the threefold human dilemma—the existential situation which every human being faces. One part of that problem has to do with direction and motivation. We must make choices, and even with good intentions, we often struggle to live honorably and truly. Our best intuitions betray us, and hindsight reveals our errors and mistakes. Even when we do see the right path opening up, the energy and determination received to follow it are not always forthcoming. Ignorance and apathy threaten our integrity. The cross, however, directs and inspires, providing guidance and motivation, for it is a story of love lived consistently, regardless of cost, and of forgiveness offered generously, even to enemies. It is a powerful, crowning example, in keeping with the model of Jesus’ life and teaching.
Take one sentence from our passage today as your daily theme.
At the end of the day, assess how you did in making it real.
What does it mean to be humble?
Try to give examples.
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