Broken and the Blessed, Lent Day 41
by David Joynt on April 10, 2017
DAY 41
The Lord’s Prayer has a petition we usually speak in the following form—”Lead us not into temptation.” Perhaps this phrase is better rendered “lead us around the time of trial.” Now think how this would come to sound in the ears of Jesus’ followers. They were determined to accompany Him, even at the cost of their lives, as we see in Thomas’ remark prior to the raising of Lazarus. The disciples knew that Jerusalem meant danger and possibly death but still entered the city.
Unfortunately, wanting to be ready to face a trial or temptation, and actually dealing with one are very different things. When the arrest came and the cross was looming, they all fled away. Daily prayers and disciplines are good in themselves, but also important because they prepare us for moments of supreme trial, which cannot be anticipated until they are experienced.
Have you ever been strengthened by going through a trial?
Thank God for a time when he helped you through a trial.
What temptations do we face at work?
At school?
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