Broken and the Blessed Week 3, Day 1
by David Joynt on January 22, 2017
DAY 15
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
Meekness is power under control, strength disciplined by humility. Moses was a very, very strong leader. It took strength to accept the call to liberate a people held in slavery. It took strength to fool the Pharoah. It took strength to rally the people not to panic prior to the parting of the waters at the Red Sea. It took strength to climb Mt. Sinai and enter into the presence of God. It took strength to accept the complex roles of liberator, judge, leader, prophet and intermediary between Yahweh and the Israelites. It took strength not only to get the slaves out of Egypt but also to get Egypt out of the slaves and to forge a new identity in the wilderness. It took strength to deal with sedition and rebellion. Yet Moses is described in Numbers 12:3 as “the meekest man on the face of the earth.”!
What in Moses’s life took the most strength, in your view?
How many kinds of strength can you think of?
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