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Broken and the Blessed Week 3, Day 6

by David Joynt on January 27, 2017

DAY 20


EXODUS 32:19; 34:1-5

 Another sign that Moses’ strength was conditioned by humility was his willingness to start over. His anger at Israel’s idolatry led him to smash the tablets of stone containing the 10 Commandments. Yet in Chapter 34 he is recommitted to making a new covenant between Yahweh and those “stiff-necked” people, with new stones of revelation. This willingness to start over after failure and not to see every ending as a terminus, is key in our lives. If we treat each cul de sac as a dead end, our journeys will be short and frustrating. Recommitment is an art and a discipline, which is helped by meekness.

 When have you had to accept failure, gather your strength and begin again? 


Play Jenga or build something that you can then knock down. Talk about the need in life to start over.


Tags: devotional, humility, the broken and the blessed

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