Christmas at the Movies: Week 1, Day 3
by David Joynt on December 05, 2017
JOHN 16:5-7 | LUKE 24:44-53
How powerful must have been the departure of Jesus Christ! Imagine losing the most wonderful, insightful, loving, gracious, inspiring person who ever lived. No wonder the disciples were staring off into heaven at the moment of his departure, no doubt in a mixture of wonder, disappointment, and loss. But soon, they would discover that his "departure" heralded the beginning of a new way of being present, not in one location, but in every heart that crowned him King in submission and repentance. The Ascension makes way for Pentecost, for the gift of the Spirit, for the living presence of God within each believer. It means a new guide within, a new source of power and self-control, and understanding and love. This source can never be exhausted or displaced; it never becomes obsolete or outdated. Christ in you— the hope of glory.
What has been your most powerful loss?
How aware are you of the gift of Christ's Spirit within as you pray, work, worship, study, relate, and serve?
Christians that do not experience the presence of God within fall into two groups. Some have never invited Christ into their hearts as Savior and Lord , others quench the Spirit by ungodly behavior a n d d o n o t c ultiv a t e G o d's p r e s e n c e b y p r a y e r a n d o b e die n c e . Ask today for a deeper experience of the Holy Spirit.
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