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Christmas at the Movies: Week 2, Day 2

by David Joynt on December 11, 2017


Luke 2


One of the most intriguing themes in the Christmas story is that
the lowly get exalted and the mighty are less important than they
appear. The lead roles are played by the night shift shepherds, the
anonymous innkeeper, foreign stargazers, and a young obscure
Jewish couple. The star is a baby. By contrast, those occupying
positions of worldly power and prestige play incidental or
opposing parts. The Jewish elite miss the event, Herod is exposed
as insecure and homicidal, Caesar Augustus and Quirinius are
placeholders to remind readers of the historical timing. When it
comes to high and low, God has a different standard.



The headline grabbers and powerhouses of our time may not be
significant in the salvation story God is creating. Do you agree?



Why does God seem to favor the lowly?



Are the powerful too busy with their own agendas? Too



Do the deeds of the lowly make more evident the marvelous work
of God?



Tags: lowly

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