Day 41: Purpose
Do your requests and actions reflect the character of Jesus? Was the Father glorified in your life this week?
by David Joynt on May 20, 2016
JOHN 14:12-14
Have you located the last sola? Believers are told not just believe in Jesus, but to do the works that He did, all for God’s glory. Now this is a promise that is hard to conceive. Acts of power like Jesus? Acts of love and compassion? Acts of mercy and sacrifice? Demonstrations of truth and justice? Wow! Here we are told that Jesus will act with us and through us under two conditions. One is when we act “in His name,” meaning in conformity with his character. Two is when we act not for our own advancement or acclaim but for God’s glory. Here is the fifth sola, Sola Deo Gloria.
Do your requests and actions reflect the character of Jesus?
Was the Father glorified in your life this week?
March 15, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 13, 2025