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Dwell in the House of the Lord Volume 2, Day 30

by David Joynt on July 06, 2020

Psalm 23:4b | 4b I fear no evil.

 Is fear your friend or your enemy?

 Fear can be a gift, an ally in the struggle for self-preservation, and an early warning system defeating imminent danger. Fear activates your limbic system, enabling a response to threats, provoking the fight or flight reflex. In all these ways fear can function as a companion to prudence and self-care.

 But fear can also cripple us. It can block other healthy emotions like love or gratitude. It can disable our capacity to choose and act, lest we err. It can be irrational, triggering anxiety without genuine threat. It can spread in groups and communities and become a permanent mindset, undermining faith and putting “worst case scenario” thinking at the forefront.

 When has fear been your friend?

 When has fear been your enemy?


Tags: fear, danger

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