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Get Real November 1 Devotional

by David Joynt on November 01, 2024

1 PETER 2:2 | Like newborn infants, long for the pure milk of God’s word, so that by it you may grow into salvation—

Our maturity is not the summit of a mountain, which we climb to and take pictures of and then list in our proudest moments or greatest achievements. It is an ongoing climb, with new heights and their accompanying vistas. We mature from the ability to sometimes love those who love us toward a greater consistency. We mature from love of family and friends to love of neighbors, strangers, and then enemies. We see suffering as an unnecessary burden, as a temporary endurance, as a platform for growth, and finally, as an honorable sharing in Jesus’ own righteous suffering. We mature from selfishness toward selflessness, from anxiety about the future to hope, from obsession with security to generosity. We grow into our salvation.


How are you maturing?



Gracious God,

Keep me climbing, moving steadily up the hill toward the next vista and stage of maturing.



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