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Get Real November 2 Devotional

by David Joynt on November 02, 2024

1 PETER 2:3 | if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.

PSALM 34:8 | 8O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are those who take refuge in him.

Peter refers to Psalm 34:8 in the final words of this section. God’s pure word is not intended as a museum of interesting artifacts. It is not a library of self-help advice. The metaphor of food is far more apt for this book—it is sustenance for the soul. It creates growth in us because it deepens our experience of God’s presence. We mature in ourselves as we develop a stranger relationship with Him. The Bible facilitates the divine encounter, the holy moment, the Spirit’s still, small voice. As we learn its characters and cadences, we are addressed, called, sent, corrected, and encouraged.


Memorize Psalm 34:1-3 and 8.



Gracious God,

Grant me holy moments, sweet encounters, and divine glimpses as I read Your word. Speak to me that I may speak. I ask in the name of Jesus, word made flesh.



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