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Get Real October 21 Devotional

by David Joynt on October 21, 2024

1 PETER 1:14-15 | 14 Like obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires that you formerly had in ignorance. 15 Instead, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct.

A disciplined and active mind is crucial because human life apart from God establishes patterns and desires that contradict His will and lead to chaos and confusion. Ancient thinkers, even the most profound, were ignorant about God’s will and character, thus unable to be obedient or to become like Him. Plato said in his Timaeus: “Now it is hard to investigate and find the framer and father of the universe, and if one did, impossible to express him in terms which will be understood.” Aristotle remarked in the beginning of his Metaphysics, “God is the supreme cause all men wonder about and no one knows…” God cannot be obeyed unless His will is known, and cannot be imitated unless He is understood. The change Peter wants to see in his friends is possible because God is known now in His revealed words and in the living word, Jesus Christ. Ignorance has given way to awareness. God’s holiness is now known in command, in story and parable, in actions of sacrifice and solidarity.


Pray for someone who is ignorant about God’s ways and character.



Gracious God,

Jesus was full of grace and truth. Thank You for revealing Your heart and will in His life and death and Resurrection. May I know Him more clearly and follow Him more nearly.



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