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Graceways September 13 Devotional

by David Joynt on September 13, 2024

LUKE 17:19 | 19 Then he said to him, “Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well.”

Jesus’ remark to the Samaritan leper who returns to offer thanks and praise, is telling. “Your faith has made you well.” There are different forms of faith. Faith is active trust in God to heal and help. Faith is a set of beliefs about God’s identity and purposes. Faith is the ability to receive the good things God wants to give you. It is the intellectual, emotional, and volitional, a feature of our minds, hearts, and wills. All 10 lepers hoped and trusted Jesus could heal them, and this implies some understanding of His identity and purpose. All 10 received physical healing. But only the Samaritan received everything God wanted to give him.


Wellness is more than physical. When the Samaritan fell on his knees in thanksgiving, he demonstrated a spiritual health and wholeness, only possible when we acknowledge, with awe and    worship, the holy power of our Lord. His faith got “lost in wonder, thanks, and praise.”


When was your faith last lost in wonder, thanks, and praise?



Gracious God,

Help my faith move from head to heart to wonder, thanks, and praise. Make me truly whole.



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