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Graceways September 6 Devotional

by David Joynt on September 06, 2024

DANIEL 1:17 | 17 To these four young men God gave knowledge and skill in every aspect of literature and wisdom; Daniel also had insight into all visions and dreams.


Notice the implications of this verse. Daniel and his three friends acquire knowledge of Babylonian language and culture. They can converse in Chaldean, they have the points of reference to communicate and serve in the court. But it is God who is the source of their wisdom and skill. Often we think we own our attributes, but God alone is the source of our abilities, our capacities, and the skills we develop. Daniel’s dreams and visions became the key to the narrative and they are revealed to him by God.


Any wisdom within any culture roots in the divine gift, and as such may be profitability studied. But where cultural perspectives contradict the divine revelation in scripture, they must be resisted. God blessed Daniel’s studies and advancement, knowing their would eventually be a cultural clash, in order to demonstrate his sovereign superiority to all human powers and programs.


Thank God for the wisdom and skill He has given you.



Gracious God,

May I navigate the waters of 21st century culture without being captured by them. Help me maintain a Christian worldview and live it out.



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