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Growing Joy June 1 Devotional

by David Joynt on June 01, 2023

ACTS 2:7-8 | Amazed and astonished, they asked, Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language?


Pentecost was a preview. Eventually the gospel, the good news about Jesus, would spread out over the globe. Praise would happen in many, many languages. The scriptures would be translated into thousands of tongues. A unique movement would cross continents and cultures, the first and greatest transcultural phenomena in human history and the greatest proof of truth’s power to unite.


Pray for our church partners in Africa who celebrate Jesus in other languages.



Gracious God,

Thank You for the privilege of being part of a global movement of such depth and magnitude. Hallelujah!



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