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Growing Joy June 13 Devotional

by David Joynt on June 13, 2023

PHILIPPIANS 4:4 | Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.

We usually identify joy as a feeling and an elusive one at that. Emotions can shift in seconds, altered by bad news or a harsh memory that suddenly surfaces. But joy is not just a spontaneous emotion, it is a practice that leads to a settled attitude.


Paul says, “rejoice in the Lord always.” Jesus is the true joy giver and the experience of His presence mitigates even the most terrible sorrow. To be embraced by God’s love is an experience of tremendous joy, as guilt and shame are overcome, and our endless striving rests in the grace of His goodness and the knowledge He is with us and for us. Private worship and devotion are an opportunity to know this joy in an often unforgiving and harsh world.


Do you take time to rest in God’s good grace?



Gracious God,

Help me to hear “rejoice in the Lord always” not as a burden, but as an invitation into Your presence. Let me feel Your joy again.



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