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Growing Joy June 20 Devotional

by David Joynt on June 20, 2023

LUKE 15:5 | And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices.


Unless we take the risk of seeking those who struggle, whether financially, emotionally, or spiritually, we will miss the joy of finding. The shepherd carries his lost sheep back to the flock, glad with    every step, he has taken the risk of seeking him out. Recovery and reclamation are at the heart of the gospel. We are not called to rejoice in our own rectitude but in God’s power to make us new and right. It is such a joy, when I am lost somewhere, to find the way to my destination. How much greater, when someone is lost in life, without purpose or direction or knowledge of their creator, to find new life with Christ.


Do you see the Christian life as a reclamation project?



Gracious God,

May the healing and restoring and saving power of Your Spirit be active in my life and in our church. And let us rejoice in it!



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