Invitation, Week 1, Day 4
by David Joynt on October 09, 2019
MATTHEW 11:29a | Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart.
Jesus’ invitation honors us. He wants to do life with us, to be involved, to keep and bless and guide us, bringing out our best. It honors us also because it requests a response. We are not passive partners getting grace in the mail. We must “take his yoke”, making a decision once and then many times more, that we will partner with him in our work, our friendships, our decisions, our love life, our recreation, and every other area. He believes in our growth and potential! He expects us to learn, develop, grow, evolve. He will not force us of course, his way is gentle and humble. He invites and does not compel. He recommends but does not force. He appeals, he empowers, he persuades with the weapons of truth and love and mercy.
He wants to be your teacher. How are the tutorials going?
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