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Invitation, Week 1, Day 6

by David Joynt on October 11, 2019

Invitation, Week 1, Day 6

MATTHEW 11:29b | You will find rest for your souls.

I am writing this devotional in a quiet spot on the campus of Princeton Seminary. There are no distractions. My phone is off, my schedule for the next 5 hours is open. My family is too far away to help, my pets also. The congregation is in the capable hands of my colleagues. There is a certain rest we experience in withdrawal and retreat. Take opportunities to be alone with Christ, to disengage and listen.

But this word rest means not just personal peace amid the turmoil.  It also refers to the feeling we have after a perfect night’s sleep.  When sleep is truly restful it energizes us and fills us with the desire to do and be. Jesus rest also does this, motivating us for engagement and adventure.

Does your relationship with Jesus energize you?

If not, are you really bringing your burdens to him?


Tags: sleep, rest, burdens, retreat, energy, souls, withdrawal, energize

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