Invitation, Week 1, Day 7
by David Joynt on October 12, 2019
MATTHEW 11:30 | For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
What makes life with Jesus “lighter” and less burdensome? For one thing there is no pretense. It can be hard and heavy work to maintain a public persona that is sometimes at odds with our actual feelings. When the boss says, “How is it going?”, no one actually gives a detailed account of their doubts and worries, do they? We don’t have to hide our feelings and fears from Jesus. Talking to him about them, asking for help, brings no shame or loss of face—he knows our every weakness and wants to offer us his courage and strength. We are yoked but he does not expect us to carry half the load. He has unlimited resources of wisdom and love to share with us.
What do you need most from Jesus?
Ask for it.
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