Invitation, Week 3, Day 23
by David Joynt on October 28, 2019
JOHN 1:39| Jesus said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where he was staying, and they remained with him that day. It was about four o’clock in the afternoon.
God receives everyone exactly where they are. He knows where they’ve been. He understands their hesitation and their fear when it comes to faith and the faithful. When we invite another person to check out our community, to experience our church, we are giving an open-ended invitation. They may bring doubts or questions, problems or issues, prejudice or pre-conceived ideas. That is ok!
For some the journey to connection and community is simple. They experience the church’s worship, or they participate in our mission, or they join in our fellowship and simply decide; “Yes-this is for me.” Others must wrestle, test, evaluate, and belong before deciding and committing. But the invitation need not solve all the issues or answer all the questions. It is a first step that opens doors for God to work and lives to change.
Think of someone you can invite to VPC.
What will you say?
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