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Jonah in July July 3 Devotional

by David Joynt on July 03, 2023

Jonah in July July 3 Devotional

JONAH 1:2a | 2a Go at once to Nineveh...

Jonah is not merely addressed, he is called. To have the universe’s silence broken by the divine voice is wonderful. Amid the cacophony of confusing human voices, what a relief to hear someone speak who is the unfailing, unerring source of truth and goodness. Yet, better still, to be called to serve, to join God’s team, to represent His cause, to seek the triumph, in human lives and societies of His truth and goodness. We get excited to be asked by a great company to join their enterprise, and find personal validation in association with a school or university that can award us a degree. The call of God, the Creator of the universe, confers a validation much greater and involves us in an enterprise of vaster importance.


What excites you about serving God?



Gracious God,

Help us to feel the great excitement and supreme validation of hearing Your call and then responding to it. We ask in the name of Jesus.



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