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Leading With a Generous Heart: Day 4

How could I tell salvation has come to your house?

by David Joynt on August 17, 2016

Leading With a Generous Heart: Day 4

LUKE 19:1-10

We learn two critical things about generosity from the Zacchaeus story. Both are dimensions of Jesus’ pronouncement, “Today salvation has come to this house!” 

This is a powerful claim—what does it mean? First, it suggests that Zacchaeus’ generosity toward those he has defrauded, which exceeded public and legal norms, is a sign of his new allegiance. Salvation is primarily relational, it occurs when we enter into a relationship with Jesus and come under his Lordship. The new allegiance of Zacchaeus is real, because his generosity shows his values are reflecting those of Jesus. He is behaving like someone with a new sovereign who lives in a new kingdom.

How could I tell salvation has come to your house?

Tags: generosity, leading

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