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Leading With a Growing Heart: Day 4

What changes around you do you find challenging? What was the greatest period of adaptation in your life? Pray for good judgement in changing circumstances.

by David Joynt on June 15, 2016

Leading With a Growing Heart: Day 4

PSALM 119:65-66

Another reason why God wants our hearts to grow has to do with our environment. Has anyone noticed how fast the world changes? As the externals shift, the internals must respond. A key characteristic of human beings is our adaptability—and this is another word for our capacity to grow. Change around us can feel unwelcome, but it can promote growth within our hearts and minds.

Adaptation, notice, is not conformity to environmental change. Some changes in value and practice must be criticized and challenged and not simply adopted.

What changes around you do you find challenging?
What was the greatest period of adaptation in your life?
Pray for good judgement in changing circumstances.

Tags: courageous, leading

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