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Leading With an Ordered Heart: Day 2

by David Joynt on August 22, 2016

Leading With an Ordered Heart: Day 2

EXODUS 20:11-17 

What happens if the first four commands have no purchase in our lives? Then parents are dishonored and families unstable, violence is more prevalent, faithfulness wanes, theft and lying become a plague, and a spirit of covetous dissatisfaction undermines peace and happiness. Moral and social order on the outside of our lives, in our relationships, rests on internal, spiritual order. Only God can help us order our hearts and free us from greed and selfishness and anxiety and all the other psychic and emotional conditions that impact our outlook, perception, and behavior.

How do you think we are doing, in America, with the second set of six social commands?

How are we doing at VPC?

Tags: leading, ordered

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