Leading With an Ordered Heart: Day 5
What characterizes the voice of the shepherd? How do you recognize Jesus’ voice in your life?
by David Joynt on August 25, 2016
An ordered heart, that recognizes the centrality and necessity of faith, has some great advantages. Instead of being subject to the demands of the world with its many different voices, insisting on so many conflicting standards and goals, we have one Voice to listen to in all circumstances. There is one definition in the Bible, of success, one picture of character, one great book of wisdom, and one set of central commands: love of God and neighbor. There is one Supreme Example of what it means to be fully human—Jesus Christ. We know from His life definite truths and principles—humility is better than pride, forgiveness is superior to bitter revenge, identity is a gift as well as a project, confession, and repentance make room for grace, obedience is the route to freedom.
What characterizes the voice of the shepherd?
How do you recognize Jesus’ voice in your life?
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