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New? February 17 Devotional

by David Joynt on February 17, 2025

1 PETER 4:13 | 13 But rejoice in so far as you are sharing Christ’s sufferings, so that you may also be glad and shout for joy when his glory is revealed.


Expecting persecution is a necessary realism, yet rejoicing in its suffering requires a deeper viewpoint. This verse supplies that perspective. Think of the honor involved when a soldier suffers as he saves the innocent from harm and defends great values like freedom and democracy which in the just war tradition are referred to as righteous reasons to enter a conflict. To serve Christ is to
enter his battle with evil, in defense of his ultimate kingdom values and to advance his saving purposes for the broken and guilty. No cause is more righteous, so no honor is greater than to suffer in its service. Christians don’t rejoice because of suffering in itself, but because righteous suffering of this kind is shared with Jesus who uses it for holy and good purposes. Further, they can rejoice
knowing it is temporary and that at his return evil will be destroyed and those who stood for his truth and justice will be honored for enduring their suffering with faith and hope.


Christians are not masochists, but they don’t fear suffering in God’s great cause. Do you agree?



Gracious God,

May I face life’s hardest moments with the certain knowledge that my struggles will be honored by you and used for your saving purpose.



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