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New? February 22 Devotional

by David Joynt on February 22, 2025

1 PETER 4:19 | 19 Therefore, let those suffering in accordance with God’s will entrust themselves to a faithful Creator, while continuing to do good.


Here in this final verse we have a theology of endurance. To suffer “according to God’s will” is to do so for his righteous cause, remembering that suffering is temporary and transformative, and it leads toward a victory over evil, and honors for the faithful at the Judgement. These perspectives enable an active endurance.


Rather than simply sit and suffer, Peter calls his friends to trust their faithful Creator to the extent that they continue to “do good.” When those who are mistreated do not allow it to create bitterness, but continue to show the fruits of the spirit, blessing others with care and compassion, it is already a victory for God’s love and goodness.


Is your endurance active?



Gracious God,

When I suffer help me rise above self-pity and resentment. Help me continue to do good.



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