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New? February 4 Devotional

by David Joynt on February 04, 2025

New? February 4 Devotional

2 PETER 3:8 | 8 But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.


The scoffers who doubt Jesus’ return also misunderstood the biblical concept of time. The biblical God is the Creator of time and space. He can move within time and even become an incarnate creature who is subject to it. But he also exists beyond time and Peter suggests that in this verse. Chronos is the word for the human experience of time that flows forward and has beginnings that lead to endings, births that precede deaths. This is, as the scoffers remark, the way things have worked “from the beginning of creation.” They are right about chronos. But they have forgotten about zoe, the biblical word for God’s divine and eternal life. Jesus displayed and claimed this kind of eternal and timeless nature when he said, using God’s divine name, “Before Abraham was (Chronos) I am!” The I am reference is to the divine, eternal, self-sustaining life of God that precedes, encompasses, and controls time itself. The kingdom Jesus demonstrates in raising the dead and in the Resurrection is eternal and will exist beyond the end of time.


Do you believe we can know the eternal kingdom now, through faith in Christ and sharing in his divine love and life?



Gracious God,

Help me sense eternity in time, through your love and presence.



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