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New? January 14 Devotional

by David Joynt on January 14, 2025

2 PETER 1:4a | 4 Thus he has given us, through these things, his precious and very great promises...


One definition of faith is the capacity to trust in, and live out, God’s promises. The Israelites were a people sustained by promises. Abraham and Sarah were promised offspring as numerous as the stars, Moses led his people out of slavery toward the Land of Promise, David was promised a Kingdom that would not end. During the exile the prophets dreamed of a new leader, God’s anointed, who’d restore Israel and open up a new era of intimacy with God. Jesus promised, to those who came to him, rest for their souls. He promised those who followed him will not walk in darkness, but follow the light of life. He promised, to those who love him and keep his covenants, the gift of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to encourage and guide them. He promised life beyond life, peace beyond what the world can give, a place in heaven prepared, a presence that never abandons us and lives that bear fruit.


Read through some of Jesus’ promises: Matthew 11:28-30, John 14:6, John 8:12, John 14:15-16, John 10:10, John 11:25, John 15:5, John 14:27, Matthew 28:20. Which is your favorite?



Gracious God,

Trust in you is not vague sentiment. It is believing and living out your specific promises. Help me hold onto these wonderful assurances every day.



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