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New? January 20 Devotional

by David Joynt on January 20, 2025

New? January 20 Devotional

2 PETER 1:12 | 12 Therefore I intend to keep on reminding you of these things, though you know them already and are established in the truth that has come to you.


Peter is not a spiritual nag, or in the Yiddish vocabulary, a noodge. How do I know? After all he “intends to keep on reminding” his friends about their spiritual beliefs and calling. Is there a way of
reminding others that doesn’t feel like a criticism, a sideways comment that without my help and direction they’d be dazed and confused?


Yes there is! Reminders can feel like encouragements. Peter makes it clear that his listeners are already “in the know” spiritually, already established in God’s truth. Everyone needs encouragement and Peter is not putting himself above his friends in any way. He is simply reinforcing real truths that he and they must continue to claim and live out, in order to be great disciples. There is a tone of kindness, optimism, and humility about genuine encouragement. It feels like an affirmation, a hallelujah, rather than hidden lecturing.


Are you encouraging when you remind others?



Gracious God,

Save me from sounding officious and superior. Help me remind in positive and gracious ways.



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