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New? January 24 Devotional

by David Joynt on January 24, 2025

New? January 24 Devotional

2 PETER 1:15 | 15 And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.


The legacy Peter aimed for was that through his life and ministry, others would be able to “recall these things,” the crucial elements for a holy life lived in the power of God’s presence and truth.


These elements are “caught” as well as “taught”—they must be embodied by people in real relationships. We have to see virtues lived out, principles realized and deeds as well as words. Values and truths can be recalled best when they are demonstrated in memorable lives. We remind others of these crucial elements in words but also in our deeds. A life has a legacy when there is a fit between character, purpose and committed effort. Legacy is about the truths and values we teach and those we embody.


Whose legacy of truth and values has impacted you?



Gracious God,

Help your truth and values become more congruent with my life, so that I have a legacy worth leaving.



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