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New? January 25 Devotional

by David Joynt on January 25, 2025

New? January 25 Devotional

MARK 1:1 | 1 The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


When we think about life beyond our own lives, and our possible legacies, it is a lesson in limitation and faith. For once we die we have no influence on any outcome, no control over any result. We must trust that if we seek to have a godly influence on others, then God will make something of our efforts. Often the things we think are less important have the largest eventual impact.


Peter’s legacy as a leader included big decisions in which he exercised a decisive influence, like the choice to allow men and women to become Christians without first becoming Jews. This freed the spread of the gospel into the world beyond Judaism. A set of Jerusalem meetings shifted the future of the Jesus movement. But other moments, which seemed less consequential, had a huge effect. Peter mentored John Mark, and shared his memories with Jesus’ life and teaching as an eyewitness. Mark wrote the first gospel, which is substantially included in Matthew and Luke as well.


What dream do you have for your legacy?



Gracious God,

Take my life’s moments, big and small, and do something wonderful with them.



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