Pray Without Ceasing, Week 1, Day 2
by David Joynt on June 03, 2019
MATTHEW 6:9 | Pray then in this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Language is a mystery and a wonder. Puffs of wind help us discover how we think and feel, allow us to share attitudes and plans, anticipate future events, learn from previous ones, and create art. Eugene Peterson says there are three languages. Information language helps to identify objects and things, and allows us to describe and explore our world, with its complex connections and interactions. Motivation language moves others, making things happen, whether a baby crying for food, an advertiser enticing a purchase, or a politician garnering a vote.
But the most basic and important language is the language of intimacy and relationship, the words by which we express love and connection. This is the language of our faith and our prayers. Jesus taught us to call God Daddy, Abba and to hallow his name. This is love language.
Is prayer intimate for you?
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