Pray Without Ceasing, Week 4, Day 24
by David Joynt on June 25, 2019
PSALM 84:4 | Happy are those who live in your house, ever singing your praise.
The psalmist reflects on how lucky are the people who work and live in the Temple on a daily basis. I agree! I love church and have a hard time leaving most days. There is a powerful experience of depth, of authentic relationship, and of God’s activity. But unless you are a priest, or a retired Saint like Simean or Anna that lives in Jerusalem, you don’t have the option of daily Temple time.
That is why it is good to recall that we are God’s true temple. God indwells us through his spirit and we can encounter this presence in the everyday moments of school and work and home, as well as the “temple times.”
What has been your favorite worship space in your life?
What made it special?
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