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Questions Week 10, Day 6

by David Joynt on July 07, 2017

 LUKE 12:41-48


“To whom much is given, much is expected.” Our country has historically unparalleled military and economic strength. One of our particular burdens is to help bring power, order, and justice to a world torn by war, division, and exploitation. We can do some of this by example, some through partnership and cooperation, some by negotiation and advocacy, some by confrontation and sacrifice, some by generosity and development. I pray for guidance and patience and conviction of all leaders as they wrestle with world problems and pressures.



What is God’s hope for our role in international life?



In Jesus teaching responsibility and knowledge connect, and so do capacity and expectation.  Notice how that works in our passage.




Pray for a needy part of our world.

Pray for a war-torn part of our world.


Tags: america, pray

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