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Questions Week 4 Day 7

by David Joynt on May 27, 2017

Questions Week 4 Day 7

DAY 28

PSALM 119:1-16


Understanding the Bible is a lifelong, joyous task. It has depths of meaning as well as simple truths. Passages you believe you’ve exhausted shine with new light when you return to them. Connections previously invisible appear. New questions you bring generate new answers and insight.


Every time I come to read the Bible, every time I work on a passage for a sermon, I feel the authority and sacred power of this book, and its claim on my life grows. Don’t read it as a duty but as a delight, expect an encounter with God, and  bring your real needs and genuine problems. The Bible has a reality no other book has, an authenticity. You will find your life laid out in its pages as you explore its characters and as you serve its center and its sovereign, Jesus Christ. Read on!


Is the Bible a lamp onto your feet and a light for your path?



What does Jesus mean when he says that we do not live by “bread alone—but by every word that comes from God?”



Tags: bible, joy, read

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