Real Devotional 33
by David Joynt on June 02, 2022
JAMES 2:6-9 | 6 But you have dishonored the poor person. Is it not the rich who oppress you? Is it not they who drag you into the courts? 7 Is it not they who blaspheme the excellent name that was invoked over you? 8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well. 9 But if you show partiality, you commit sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
Favoritism violates the great command to love others as we love ourselves. This command implies all others, not just those who are our social equals or superiors. James gives an insight into the way society worked in his day, in these verses. Since most Christians were from humble backgrounds, he reminds them that favoritism in the worlds of business and law works to the advantage of the wealthy and powerful, and against their interests. He doesn’t want them importing favoritism into the church, undermining the unique equality we know as children of God and followers of Jesus.
When have you been negatively impacted by favoritism?
March 22, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 20, 2025