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Set Apart July 20 Devotional

by David Joynt on July 20, 2024

LEVITICUS 22:1-2 | 1 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Direct Aaron and his sons to deal carefully with the sacred donations of the Israelites, which they dedicate to me, so that they may not profane my holy name: I am the Lord.

The Levitical priests lived off the donations of the worshippers, whose offerings supplied food for the families of Aaron’s descendants. These verses urge caution and care in dealing with these gifts. They were sacrificial gifts in two ways. Not only were they literal sacrifices, but they were possible because the Israelites made sacrifices to supply grains or animals.


Today, this verse reminds us that the gifts of the people of God still require sacrifice. Disciples must work, earn, and save in order to give. Behind every gift there is toil and effort, sacrifices of time and energy and finance. As a church, we owe givers transparency about how their gifts are used and clarity about how effective those uses prove to be. Giving is a sacred act of worship.


Do you see your giving as a sacred gift?



Gracious God,

Help our church to honor the givers and use their gifts wisely and well to build Your kingdom and glorify Your name.



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