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Set Apart July 21 Devotional

by David Joynt on July 21, 2024

Set Apart July 21 Devotional

LEVITICUS 23:3 | Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of complete rest, a holy convocation; you shall do no work: it is a Sabbath to the Lord throughout your settlements.

Life has rhythms! This week we will look at the seven holy rhythms found in Leviticus 23-25. Chapter 23 begins by reinforcing the weekly rhythm of work and rest, labor and worship, “orare et labore.” One day, the Sabbath, is to be dedicated to God. This law is a reminder that though we work to survive, succeed, express, and serve, all our efforts depend on the One who is the source of energy, wisdom, and effectiveness. Our work is good when it intersects His, our purposes holy when they advance His purposes. When we work for ourselves our work is finally futile and often can be something we resent as a tyranny or magnify as a god. God is at work while we rest and enjoy His gifts and presence. Worship and creation can remind us of the power and beauty of His nature and the gift of life itself. It is a bastion against worry, hurry, anxiety, and depression.


Do you have a Sabbath practice each week?



Gracious God,

Thank You for Sabbaths. Help me to enjoy them and You as a precious gift. May my work and worship reflect my faith in You.



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