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Set Apart July 26 Devotional

by David Joynt on July 26, 2024

LEVITICUS 23:33-34 | 33 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 34 Speak to the Israelites, saying: On the fifteenth day of this seventh month and lasting seven days, there shall be the Festival of Booths to the Lord.

The Festival of Booths establishes a rhythm of celebration and joy. For seven days you are to leave your homes and live in booths, or tents. These temporary dwellings remind Israel of the wilderness period, between their liberation and the occupation of the promised land. They lived in simple dependence on God, who provided food and water and security. They are to take the “fruit of majestic trees, the boughs of leafy trees, and palm branches,” and rejoice before the Lord.


Joy can be a spontaneous reaction but also a practice. Complementing self-denial practices are joy practices, celebration moments. Jesus was called for repentance and died to relieve our guilt and shame but He was also a famous lover of parties and celebrations.


How well do you celebrate? Do you have joy practices?



Gracious God,

Fill me with joy I can share. Help me celebrate with others in healthy ways.



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