Seven Last Words Daily Devotional -39
by David Joynt on March 27, 2021
2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 | 17 So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!
The old order of sin and death, the power of dissolution and decay is also finished. Finished first in this one life, that is ended and then resurrected, and then in the lives of those also came to know and serve Him. The old kingdoms are done and a new rule is about to be introduced. New values will soon begin to shape history’s course and contend for human allegiance. Truth will have a new center and the calendar will start at zero. Older conceptions of God as an omnipotent tyrant will give way and the concept of the Trinity will be born.
Memorize 2 Corinthians 5:17.
What is new in your life?
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