Thank God it's Monday Devotional 31
by David Joynt on October 04, 2022
1 PETER 5:1-4 | 1Now as an elder myself and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as one who shares in the glory to be revealed, I exhort the elders among you 2 to tend the flock of God that is in your charge, exercising the oversight, not under compulsion but willingly, as God would have you do it, not for sordid gain but eagerly. 3 Do not lord it over those in your charge, but be examples to the flock. 4 And when the chief shepherd appears, you will win the crown of glory that never fades away.
There is a growing need for churches to engage directly in locating, training, and developing a new generation of pastor-guides. In our system, elected lay elders exercise leadership and take democratic decisions about congregational direction. Ministers elucidate and celebrate, exercising a ministry of word and sacrament. Both clergy and lay leaders can hear well the advice of Peter, for we too share in suffering and glory through Jesus. We too must serve gladly for the joy of our labor and the honor of serving God. We too must have humble hearts and seek to live exemplary lives.
VPC is developing multilevel efforts to give men and women exposure and experience in ministry. Our high school youth can help our middle school work, as advisors. We are launching internships for college age folks to explore leadership in worship and youth ministry. Next fall, we anticipate taking on students from GCU’s school of Theology. The process of trying ministry can be “trying.” John Mark failed initially, was rejected by Paul, mentored by Barnabas, and then found his calling and competency. Much ministry learning is experimental and best embedded in communities of support and care.
What ministries have you experimented with?
Do you know anyone thinking of ministry?
Pray God will guide us as we mentor those thinking about becoming guides.
March 15, 2025
March 14, 2025
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